Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ Categories
Service Line Protection Program
Great news! There is no deductible to be paid when you are enrolled in the Water Service Line Protection Program.
The coverage is in place for each occurrence whether there are one or more leaks in a year or after several years. The coverage is in place as long as you remain enrolled in the program.
The Utility gets to determine if a repair or replacement of the exterior water service line is needed.
No. The water service line is the Member’s responsibility from the Utility’s water meter until it connects to your home.
Water Service Line Protection Program pays for excess water usage from leaks that happen on the water service line from the meter to the home.
The Water Service Line Protection Program does not cover excess water usage for the following:
- Commercial or Industrial meters
- Premises left or abandoned without reasonable care for the plumbing system
- Leaks on irrigation systems or irrigation lines, leaks on any water lines coming off the primary water service line, plumbing leaks in any structures.
- Excess water charges not directly resulting from a qualifying water service line leak
- Filling of swimming pools or leaks in swimming pools
- Watering of lawns or gardens
After a repair is accomplished, EJ Water shall rough grade all disturbed areas of land but will leave the soil mounded over trenches to provide for natural settling and so as to provide minimal cleanup. Final grading, seeding, sodding and replacement shall be accomplished by and at the expense of the Member.
Canceled memberships do not qualify for Water Service Line Protection Program coverage.
Yes, all residential properties will be automatically enrolled into the Water Service Line Protection Program and a monthly fee will be added to the location’s bills.
The Owner can pay the monthly fee up front if they choose to do so or can set up an auto-payment through their bank to send the fee amount each month to be applied to that account.
Only the Owner will be allowed to opt-out of the Water Service Line Protection.
The Member is responsible for all exterior water service lines located from the meter to the home.
All Members, whether enrolled in the Water Service Line Protection Program or not, have the benefit to a ONE-TIME leak adjustment which can be used for leaks that may occur inside the home. Once this adjustment has been used, any future leaks or excess usage would be the Member’s responsibility to pay.
Damages to exterior water service lines caused by digging, whether the Member or a contractor, are not covered by the Water Service Line Protection Program.
The Water Service Line Protection Program has very broad coverage, but there are things that could happen that would not be covered by the Water Service Line Protection Program. Things like earthquakes, floods, or landslides are excluded, as are back-ups into the house or costs to remove clogs or plugs among others. No program is going to cover absolutely everything.
If you choose not to benefit from the Water Service Line Protection Program you can opt-out at any time as long as a claim has not been filed by filling out the electronic opt-out form.
Once a claim for a leak repair has been filed, the Member is required to stay in the Water Service Line Protection Program for at least 12 months.
No. Our program is unique and is not like any program you may have seen before. We have never endorsed or offered a service line program until now.
This is not a warranty product or backed by a warranty company.
This is an internal program staffed with EJ Water employees which enables us to provide a better service to our members.
With rare exceptions, most homeowner’s insurance policies do NOT cover the exterior service line. But good news, with our Water Service Line Protection Program you do not file a homeowner’s insurance claim or pay a deductible.
Leak location is the responsibility of the Member, however if a Member requests, a field service technician can be dispatched to check for exterior water service line leaks for an additional service charge.
The Utility will not locate leaks inside the home.
Yes. You do not have to take advantage of this program and can decline by filling out the electronic opt-out form.
If you decline participation, you will now be responsible for all excess water charges from a line leak. The Water Service Line Protection Program is used to adjust water bills for qualifying leaks that result in excess water charges.
EJ Water Cooperative, Inc. Members with a residential meter (¾” or 5/8″) will be automatically enrolled into the Water Service Line Protection Program.
Commercial, Industrial, or other services with larger than a ¾” or 5/8″ meters are not eligible for coverage under the Water Service Line Protection Program.
If a Member sells or cancels water service, the Water Service Line Protection Program coverage will run through the last month that the fee was paid.
If a Member sells a property, the new Member will be automatically enrolled into the Water Service Line Protection Program, but does have the option to opt-out in accordance with the opt-out policy.
All members, whether enrolled in the water service line protection program or not, have the benefit of a ONE-TIME leak adjustment which can be used for leaks inside the home (leaky faucets, toilets, water heaters, etc…). This adjustment charges the member an average water bill based on their prior 3 months usage and then all overage is charged at a reduced rate. Once this adjustment has been used, any future leaks or excess usage would be the Member’s responsibility.
When enrolled in the water service line protection program, all excess water usage from leaks that happen on the water service line from the meter to the home is covered by the program. Each instance would be covered independently. If a member chooses to opt out of the water service line protection program, the member would be responsible for all excess water usage. If the member still had their ONE-TIME leak adjustment available, they could use it to reduce the cost of the excess water.
Since you are automatically enrolled in the Water Service Line Protection Program there is no waiting period.
The Water Service Line Protection Program covers payment for the repair or replacement of the exterior water service line from the meter to the foundation of your home. The repair or replacement coverage does not extend to sprinkler system water lines, other irrigation lines, water lines to swimming pools, water lines to other structures, or water lines inside the home.
Yes, if you would like to re-enroll in the Water Service Line Program an inspection will be required on all exterior water service lines to ensure there are no existing leaks.
If a leak is found, it will not be covered by the Water Service Line Protection Program. Once the leak is repaired and the Member is re-enrolled any future leaks will be covered by the Water Service Line Protection Program.
If a Member has been locked due to non-payment, in order to take advantage of the Water Service Line Protection Program benefit, all bills associated with the Member’s account would need to be paid in full.
The $1,500.00 limit per instance for repairs and replacement of exterior water service lines should be enough for most situations.
If the repair or replacement is estimated to go over the $1,500.00 limit, the Member will be contacted prior to repairs to verify if they would like to proceed with repairs.
In order to ensure eligibility Members must be an active EJ Water Member – Canceled Memberships are not included, and all water bills must be paid current.